Admin Administrateur du forum
Nombre de messages : 333 Age : 54 Localisation : Ottawa, Canada Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006
| Sujet: Le gecko leopard Dim 5 Fév - 7:10 | |
| Descritption:
Petit lézard nocturne, au départ il a un aspect velouté avec une robe jaune-beige, sur laquelle sont réparties des tâches sombres, plus ou moins régulières (« léopard »). Aujourd’hui, il existe de nombreuses phases différentes, mais l’aspect général reste le même : massif, avec une queue importante (réserve de graisse), des membres avec cinq doigts griffus qui lui permettent, même s’il est terricole, de grimper de temps en temps. C’est enfin un animal docile qui stresse peu, même si les juvéniles demandent une période d’adaptation pour être manipulés (ils sifflent et essayent de pincer), et en captivité, il n’est pas rare que ces geckos soient actifs même en plein jour : n’oubliez pourtant pas de lui disposer une ou plusieurs cachettes dans son habitat !
Le maintenir:
Crépusculaire et nocturne de nature, un néon UV n’est pas indispensable (lui donner des vitamines adaptées, par exemple de la vitamine D3 en poudre, sans excés), mais vous pouvez lui offrir une lampe spéciale qui récrée la lumière du jour avec faibles UV ; les reptiles étant ectothermes, il lui faudra néanmoins des températures de nuit de 22°C, de jour de 27°C environ avec un point chaud à 35°C de préférence, pour un gradient thermique idéal. Préférez un chauffage par cordon chauffant, et une lampe chauffante au point chaud (inaccessible).
Nourriture : Il mange des insectes (grillons), des vers, voire un souriceau de temps à autre. Son appêtit est très bon, et il peut même manger des proies mortes si vous l’habituez régulièrement. Il aura besoin cependant de compléments vitaminés toute sa vie, sous forme de cures pour éviter les excés.
Caractère : docile Origine : Pakistan, Afghanistan... Moeurs : Terricole / Nocturne Biotope : Desertique Taille adulte : 20 cm Esperance de vie : 15-20ans Nourriture adaptée : insectes
RANGE Leopard geckos are found in Iran, Afghanistan, Western India and Pakistan. Most of today's captive bred leopard geckos are descendants of geckos imported from Pakistan. They reside in deserts and arid grasslands. Leopard geckos are nocturnal animals sheltering themselves during the day beneath rocks and in burrows. The name Eublepharis Macularis, roughly translates as
Eublepharis meaning real or true eyelids Macularis meaning spotted. Unlike other geckos, the leopard gecko and his relatives have moveable eyelids and lack the toe pads which allow other geckos to climb vertical surfaces.
Leopard Geckos reach a size of 8 to 10 inches. Most adults are yellow with dark brown spots.
Juveniles are generally are banded yellow and dark brown which fades into the spotted pattern as the gecko matures. Today, breeders also have developed the "designer" and leucistic geckos.
KEEPING THE LEOPARD GECKO AS A PET Leopard Geckos are among the easiest of lizards to maintain given the proper conditions. They rarely bite and tame easily. Leopard geckos that are handled regularly, remain relatively calm. However, be careful how you hold the gecko. Never by its tail! Geckos tails break off rather easily as a defense mechanism. They will grow back, but never as nice looking as the original tail.
Ceramic bulbs (Ceramic Heat Emitter) are excellent heat sources. These come in different wattage's and get extremely hot! Be certain the gecko can't touch it. Ceramic heaters are best used with a thermostat. This keeps the cage from overheating on warm days, particularly in the summer. I use the Electronic (Herp) Thermostat by Energy Savers . Ceramic heaters are a great way to provide heat at night since they don't produce light. Reptile Heating Pads which attach to the bottom of the tank work well. You may have to adjust the substrate thickness to get a good temperature.
Incandescent Lights work well during the day, but you would have to rely on another heat source for night. You also may have to try different wattage to provide the right amount of heat.
Nocturnal bulbs can serve as night time heat sources. Human heating pads, are good to bask on but don't raise the cage temperature much. Do not use hot rocks! They develop hot spots and many lizards have been badly burnt by them! Ask our water dragon, we once used a hot rock
Water and Humidity: The leopard gecko needs only a small dish of fresh water each day. I also use a margarine tub as a hide box. Inside the tub I keep moist vermiculite. This provides the gecko with necessary humidity and aids in the shedding process.
Substrates that have been known to cause problems are: Sand for geckos under age 6 months. It causes impaction. bark, shavings and other products made with moss. They are easily ingested and have been known to cause impaction potting soil as the geckos may eat the perlite it contains cedar or pine as the fumes and resins can be toxic to reptiles astroturf with rough edges as the geckos will ingest the particles that fray off
FEEDING Food Items: Leopard Geckos are carnivorous. In captivity they eat crickets, kingworms (zophobas), mealworms, waxworms, earthworms, grasshoppers, locusts, and pinkies.
BE WARY of feeding insects from your yard! These insects may be contaminated by pesticides and or herbicides used in the area. Even if you don't use pesticides, someone in the neighborhood might, and therefore the insects may be affected.
It is not advisable to use types of insects you are uncertain of as being safe food. They may be toxic to your gecko. Fireflies caught in the summers are thought to cause death to some reptiles. Recent studies have demonstrated that "the ingestion of fireflies (or "lightning bugs", as they are sometimes called) can kill lizards and, thus, should be considered potentially toxic to all herps." (Adler, 1998)
Supplements: Food should be supplemented calcium and multivitamins. Adults should be supplemented every other feeding. Females should be supplemented at every feeding during the breeding period. Juveniles should be supplemented at every feeding. I also keep a small dish of calcium in with my geckos.
Dernière édition par le Mer 22 Fév - 16:53, édité 2 fois | |
gecko leopard Modérateur
Nombre de messages : 77 Localisation : ottawa,ontario Date d'inscription : 05/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: Le gecko leopard Dim 5 Fév - 20:21 | |
| merci pour cette info admin!! LOL | |
sosobiologiste Posteur de messages régulier
Nombre de messages : 50 Localisation : France Date d'inscription : 06/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: Le gecko leopard Lun 6 Fév - 8:12 | |
| Super ton info merci bcp admin! Continue de poster de l'info!!! soso | |
Admin Administrateur du forum
Nombre de messages : 333 Age : 54 Localisation : Ottawa, Canada Date d'inscription : 04/02/2006
| Sujet: Re: Le gecko leopard Lun 6 Fév - 8:12 | |
| de rien gecko leopard et sosbio | |
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